There are many types of weeds. It is not necessary to get rid of every single weed in your garden – only most of them. You should have a priority system to weed control. The ones you won’t allow to exist at all to the ones that are okay to have in small amounts.
Grasses is one that should not be allowed to exist at all. Grasses have highly invasive and dense root systems. Although low-growing grasses may not compete for light, their aggressive roots rob the soil of most of the available nutrients and water and thereby stunting nearby vegetables.

Pernicious weeds are very hard to eradicate because they grow quickly and spread through underground runners and they make huge quantities of seeds that spread widely. Some examples of pernicious weeds are thistles, morning glory, and nightshade.
Other weeds that need to be pulled are the ones that come up even after your fast-growing vegetables form a leaf canopy that hinders hoeing. The shade of this canopy will strongly suppress any new weeds that sprout. But a few will sprout and grow anyway. Any weed in the garden that begins to peek through the crop leaf canopy should be pulled.
Here are a few tips for garden weed control that are non-chemical:
- Using vinegar to kill the weeds. Make sure you apply only to the weeds.
- Newspaper method – laying large amounts of newspaper under a thin layer of dirt to prevent weeds.
- Using landscape fabrics.
- Aerating your soil regularly. Some weeds, such as crabgrass, chickweed, and plantain flourish in areas of compacted soil, so aerating your lawn or garden regularly will prevent weed growth.
- Fertilizing – Fertilizing during the peak growth will encourage them to grow thereby leaving less room for invading weeds.
- Pull weeds by hand
If you are going to pull the weeds by hand here is a product that I recommend that will save your back from aching. The Hound Dog Products HDP1-6 Weed Hound
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